February 2010 - Fr. Jack Vessels, S.J.

We would like to introduce our new priest, Fr. Jack Vessels, S.J. He was assigned by his Jesuit provincial to be our chaplain last year, and we feel very blessed to have him working with us.

Fr. Vessels is a native of Oklahoma who was raised in McAllen, Texas. He entered the Jesuit order in 1944, a year ahead of Fr. Rick Thomas, so they spent several years together in seminary (and Fr. Jack often jokingly says, “I taught Rick Thomas everything he knew.) Fr. Jack is no stranger to El Paso, coming here in 1959 to be the founding principal of Jesuit High School. Fr. Thomas was assigned to Our Lady’s Youth Center in1964 so they spent a couple of years here together until 1966, when Fr. Vessels was sent to Brazil to be a missionary priest in Sao Paulo. Fr. Jack has many great stories he shares of his adventures ministering to the people of Brazil for 20 years.

After his time in Brazil he went to Rome to become the international leader of the Apostleship of Prayer, whose mission it is to encourage people to pray daily for the Church and for the pope’s intentions. He headed that up for ten years then was involved in retreat ministry in the U.S. for 12 years before joining us.

Fr. Jack is 83 years young and full of vim and vigor. He says Mass for us every day, sometimes at our Food Banks in Juarez, Mexico, sometimes in our main center in El Paso, and three days a week at the Lord’s Ranch in New Mexico. He hears confessions for many hours each week and goes with us to the homes of the sick and elderly to give them the sacrament of the sick.

Fr. Jack has a great sense of humor and his joy is contagious. “I’m so happy to be here and love the work I get to do,” he says.

And we’re so happy he is here, too!


  1. Thank you Ellen for posting this blog....I am looking forward to reading it. I miss you all and God Bless you!

  2. Great to hear that the Jesuit Provincial has assigned a new chaplain to the Las Alas Community. Father Vessels obviously brings a lot of experience. God bless you all.

  3. Fr. Vessels was the retreat master last May at Manresa in Convent, LA. It was my first retreat and Fr. Vessels counseled me after a couple of times. I am trying to find him to speak again. Please email me at roussels@bellsouth.net if you can help.

  4. Fr. Vessels is the brother of my high school principal Bro. William Vessels, at St. Joseph's Academy...where Fr. Vessels graduated from. Can someone give me Fr. Vessel's phone number?


    Javier Garcia
