April 2012 - prayer card

We have some good news to share with you.

Ever since Father Rick Thomas died almost 6 years ago, people have been asking when will he be canonized a saint. We would tell them that it is a long and involved process, and that it is up to the Church to decide if that process should be pursued or not. But we would tell them to pray, and if it was God’s will it would happen.

As of yet his cause has not been opened, but we have been given permission by the Jesuit provincial of the New Orleans Province, Fr. Mark Lewis, S.J., to print a prayer card asking for Father Thomas’s intercession. Here are some excerpts from the letter Fr. Lewis wrote to us:

“After hearing the advice of my consulters and conferring with Fr. General’s assistants in Rome, I write this letter to grant you my permission (imprimatur) in response to your request of November 30, 2011... You will be responsible for collecting any documentation of graces received...On our part, the province will begin to gather the materials related to Fr. Richard Thomas which are currently in our archives….These materials will remain with us until the Postulator asks for them.

“As you and your directors are aware, far more important than the process for canonization and official recognition by the Church is the great work of living out the Gospel carried out by your community as it remains inspired by Fr. Thomas, as well as Fr. Harold Rahm and Jack Vessels. Saints are considered to be visible signs of God’s continuing love and grace present in our world. I know that the care you give to the least brothers and sisters of Our Lord gives tremendous witness to that love and grace.

“Be assured of my prayers for you, your community, and the many good people you serve. On this feast of the Presentation of the Lord, may we all renew our dedication to proclaim the Good News of the Reign of God as Jesus called us to do.”

If you would like a copy, either in English or in Spanish, please write us and let us know — we’ll be happy to send you one.

We look forward to hearing more of the ways God is answering prayer through the intercession of Father Thomas.