May 2009 - Violence in Juarez

Most of you have probably heard or read in the news about the violence in Juarez, Mexico, and some of you have asked how it is affecting us. For those of you who are unaware of the situation, the amount of murders, kidnappings, and violence associated with the drug wars escalated drastically in 2008 and into 2009. Each day brought new reports of tragedies. Some of the victims have been people very close to us or relatives of people close to us. Just last week we were asked to visit a home where the husband was shot. Although he wasn’t killed, the bullet lodged in his spine causing him to be paralyzed from the shoulders down. He will no longer be able to work to support his family.

Along with all the violence, factories have been closing and unemployment has gotten worse. More and more people are coming to our Food Bank in Juarez seeking help. Many of them are young men and women who are willing and eager to work but unable to find jobs. They are desperately trying to put food on the table for their children. We visit the homes of those asking for help to verify if they are really in need and most often we find that they are truly destitute.

The good news is that thanks be to God and to our band of dedicated volunteers, the ministries have continued and are expanding. We have increased the amount of food we are distributing and are trying to figure out ways to meet the growing needs. We are also continuing to minister to the spiritual needs of the people. Hard times and trials often bring folks back to God and that is the case now. We are finding a greater spiritual hunger in the people we serve and a deeper desire in many of them to learn about the ways of the Lord.

During Holy Week the children in our catechism program dressed in costumes and acted out the Way of the Cross for the neighborhood. It was very moving as they recounted what Jesus suffered in His passion and death. All watching could see that Jesus was no stranger to violence Himself.
In the last few weeks the federal government has sent in even more
military troops and the murders have decreased quite a bit, although the atmosphere is still unsettled and tense. But with your support we will continue to try to bring help and hope to our brothers and sisters in need.
Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! May you be blessed this Easter Season.