April 2014 - some of our staff

One of the readers of this newsletter recently asked us to print a picture of the staff of OLYC “so we can get to know you, at least by your photos.” It’s hard to get us in one place at one time, but some of us gathered last month to meet with Bishop Mark Seitz, the newly appointed bishop for the El Paso Diocese. We wanted to let him know what Our Lady’s Youth Center does, and he was happy to hear of the many outreaches we have on both sides of the border. 

Bishop Seitz is seated, and behind him left to right are: Mando & Ramona Solano (directors of the Juarez          ministries, Gaby Federico (our prolife outreach coordinator), myself, Mary Ann & Mike Halloran (directors of  The Lord’s Ranch), Norma & Mike Reuter (Mike is our office manager).

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see so many of you still going strong after so many years. (I visited you in 1990 from New Zealand)
