April 2013 - Mayra & Rafael

Every Friday we load up in 4 or 5 vans and head out in teams to visit the sick and elderly in the area surrounding the Lord’s Food Bank in Juarez, Mexico. Each van is assigned a different route with about 10 - 12 stops to make. Besides bringing groceries for the week, we also spend some time chatting with whomever we are visiting, finding out how each person is doing and what new needs they may have that we can help meet.

There are two very beautiful children with special needs that we get to see on these weekly visits. Mayra, a 14 year old girl, has been cared for by her grandmother since birth. She was born severely disabled and cannot move or talk, although she can hear. Her mother felt unable to care for her and gave her to Mayra’s grandmother. Since Mayra is bedridden, we include a supply of diapers along with the usual groceries that we bring.

Nearby is Rafael’s family. We just found out about Rafael recently and have added his family to our routes. Rafael’s dad struggles to support his family by working at a bakery, while Rafael’s mom stays home to care for her special needs son. Rafael is also confined to bed and cannot speak, but he gets very excited when visitors drop by to see him. He has a huge smile and his whole body jerks in delight when we walk in.

Both of these children are lovingly cared for by their families — families that face such hardship and challenges in their poverty and need but who have deep faith in God and real love for these precious children entrusted to them. On my first visit to meet Rafael, I was struck by the photos proudly displayed on the walls of him as a baby and as a younger boy.

As we were leaving, we sensed Rafael’s mom wanted to tell us something but seemed embarrassed to do so. Apologetically she said, “The diapers you brought last week are too big for him.” She showed the size he needed held next to the rather large size we had brought. Happily we assured her we’d bring the correct size the following week.

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