This summer we have been hard at work revising a website we have designed to be able to share some of the wonderful teachings of Father Rick Thomas. The website is: and we encourage you to have a look at it. Father Thomas was a very gifted preacher and had a marvelous ability to teach deep truths in a clear and simple way so that many could understand. We wanted to be able to share those teachings with a much wider audience, so we have been working at getting more material uploaded to the site. That way people all over the world, who have access to the internet, can listen to an audio teaching or see one of the video clips there.
As of this writing, we have had people from Canada, Mexico, China, Australia, the U.K., New Zealand, South Africa, and from all over the U.S. access this website and download the teachings. We are thrilled to be able to be able to share Fr. Rick’s wisdom with so many people throughout the world.

Join us in praying for Fr. Jack. God bless you!