As we enter the time of year when we recall the birth of Jesus, we want to thank all of you for your help in 2009. Because of your generous support we have been able to do what the Lord asks us to do in Matthew 25:31-46. We have fed the hungry at our Food Banks in three separate colonias of Juarez, Mexico; we have helped families get water delivered into their 55 gallon drums outside their cardboard and pallet homes in Loma Blanca where there is no city water; we have welcomed the stranger in our midst as more and more needy come seeking help at our center where they receive clothing as well as groceries; we have cared for the sick each week at our medical clinic; and we continue the weekly visits to prisoners in three Juarez jails. All of this is made possible thanks to your donations and gifts.

We will be remembering you and your loved ones in our prayers in a special way this Christmas season. Thank you for being a part of this important outreach to our brothers and sisters in need. On behalf of all of us here….
Merry Christmas!